属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-法国改革 出租车战争
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-梧桐树专栏 买股票的精髓是什么?(2)
1 | ||1:“巴黎是世界上唯一一个很难打到的城市。”||2:2008年时任法国总统的萨科齐尴尬地说。他被在首都的街道上几乎不可能拦到的士这一状况给激怒了。||3:他发誓要解决这个问题,然而的士司机们连日的抗议罢工让其打消了这个念头。||4:六年后,他的社会党接班人奥朗德,再次直面出租车司机。这次是站在的士司机的角度,抵制带有智能操控功能的私人出租车。 | ||1:“PARIS is the only city in the world where it is hard to find a taxi.”||2:So in 2008 said an embarrassed Nicolas Sarkozy, then France’s president, exasperated by the near-impossibility of hailing a cab on the capital’s streets.||3:He vowed to fix the problem, but backed down after cabbies blocked the streets during days of protest.||4:Six years on, his Socialist successor, Fran?ois Hollande, is again facing up to taxi drivers, this time as incumbents try to keep out smartphone-enabled private cabs. | |
2 | ||1:即使是现代的亚历西斯·德·托克维尔,他乍一听到有关美国痛苦分裂的传闻,可能也会十分困惑。||2:近观美国,正如比尔·毕肖普在《大人物》中写到的那样,这个国家看起来从未像现在这样如此具有凝聚力。||3:美国快速发展、多样化的城市郊区绿树成荫,当地的民主党化程度很高,以至于很难找到两个意见分歧严重的人。||4:共和党人是更古老、流动性更小的群体,他们同样聚居,生活在更远的地方。||5:美国并不分裂,反而十分凝聚,在美国大选时,这一点尤为明显。 | ||1:A modern-day Alexis de Tocqueville might find talk of America’s painful divisions baffling at first blush.||2:Up close, as Bill Bishop wrote in “The Big Sort”, the country has never looked more cohesive.||3:The leafy suburbs of America’s fast-growing, diverse cities are so uniformly Democratic it can be hard to find two people in serious disagreement.||4:Republicans, an older, less mobile group, live equally clustered, farther out.||5:The country is less fractured than ghettoised—as is especially apparent at election time. | |
3 | ||1:沙特阿拉伯是中东-北非地区唯一与埃及实力相当的国家。||2:阿尔及利亚虽潜力巨大,怎奈频繁变动的监管机构令其吸引力大打折扣。||3:其他国家或为小国,或如叙利亚,受限制原因显而易见。||4:于是,基金常常寻找具有区域潜能的投资组合公司。||5:新兴市场公司Abraaj Capital总资产75亿美元,总部设在迪拜,公司的Mustafa Abdel-Wadood说,“阿拉伯世界仅有3.5亿人口,所以我们投资的是能够利用这一特点具备地域性,或有望在区域内扩张的企业。”||6:这所要求的专业知识也恰是大多数基金所缺少的。||7:当地某分析师称,“大多数基金意识到,他们需要熟知如何在这一地区发展生意的运营经理。但这样的人才寥寥无几。” | ||1:Saudi Arabia is the only other country in the region with comparable heft to Egypt.||2:Algeria has huge potential but the regulations change too often for it to appeal.||3:Other countries are small or, like Syria, off-limits for obvious reasons.||4:So funds often look for portfolio firms with regional potential.||5:“The Arab world is only 350m people so we go for businesses that can capitalise on this by being regional or expect to expand regionally,” says Mustafa Abdel-Wadood of Abraaj Capital, a $7.5 billion emerging-markets firm based in Dubai.||6:That requires expertise many funds lack.||7:“Most funds realise they need operational managers who know how to grow a business in the region,” says one local analyst. “But they can be hard to find .” | |
4 | 这样,代理人就受到了努力发掘好客户的诱惑。 | The agent is thus induced to work hard to find good clients. | |
5 | 至于股市表现与经济增长之间的联系,人们很难找出其中的短期相关性,因为股市波动越来越大。 | As for the link with economic growth, it is often hard to find a short-term correlation between this and stockmarket performance, which tends to be much more volatile. | |
6 | “每个小队至少都有一名女性成员。”她说。 | "It was hard to find a crew that didn’t have at least one woman on it, " she said. | |
7 | “你可以调查案子,但是很难找到个人对案件负责,而且速度很快,在宣传攻势到来之前,人都已经找到了。” | "You can censor cases, but it’s hard to find a single person responsible and it’s so quick. Before the propaganda order comes, it’s done. " | |
8 | MM:这真的是唯一一个能找到绝版或是限量指甲油的地方。 | MM: It’s really the only place to find discontinued or hard-to-find nail polishes. | |
9 | 充电站的数量少、彼此间距离太远,修理车间难以寻觅,并且车辆的价格都不菲。 | Charging stations are few and far between, repair shops are hard to find and the cars are costly. | |
10 | 打个比方,确实很难找到一个断然认定自己不喜欢动物的人。 | Indeed, it’s hard to find a person who would confirm it aloud that he does not like, let’s say, animals. | |
11 | 大片的良田不容易找到,而良田很少会上市出卖。 | Large parcels of good land can be hard to find . What is out there doesn’t come up for sale very often. | |
12 | 但除此之外,真相通常也是很难发现的。 | However, even beyond that, the truth is often hard to find . | |
13 | 但是当小孩仍然需要看护的情况下,你和你的爱人会很难找到合适的时间来亲密。 | But it can be hard to find time to be intimate when the kids are under foot. | |
14 | 但是很难找到这样两个智能手机平台,却做着大相径庭的生意。 | But it’s hard to find two smartphone platforms with such drastically different businesses. | |
15 | 但是我们大部分人甚至没有意识到这一点就付清了费用,也许是因为费用详情往往很难找到。 | But most of us pay up without even realizing it, perhaps because the fee details are often hard to find . | |
16 | 但我们却没办法收集到足够多的数据以评估某个特定街区的空气质量,而且这类数据非常难找。 | There is not enough data that gets gathered to evaluate air quality in a given neighborhood and that data is hard to find . | |
17 | 当很难搞到钱的时候,集团的经营模式可能很诱人,但是这种情况不会持续太久的。 | The conglomerate model may be tempting when cash is hard to find . But the moment will not last. | |
18 | 当可怕的事情发生在最好的朋友身上,可能会一时间找不到适当的言语来安慰他。 | When something horrible happens to a close friend, it can be hard to find the right words. | |
19 | 当美军想要进入这些恶劣地区对敌人进行打击之时,他们才意识到这是一项多么艰难的任务。 | S. tries to go into these bad lands to fight the enemy, it is hard to find . The U. | |
20 | 当事情进展得不顺利时,一些人努力去寻求出路,而另一些人则压根不去想解决问题的办法。 | When things go wrong, some work hard to find a way out while others totally lose the desire to think out any solution to the problem. | |
21 | 当我发现很难找到自己想要的衣服,当我翻遍衣橱发现很多衣服基本上没怎么穿的时候,我就知道我需要整理了。 | I know when it’s time when it’s hard to find stuff, and when I look through my closet and find lots of stuff I rarely wear. | |
22 | 而且你不用费力就能找到分析师关于1500美元每盎司的讨论,就在明年。 | As has $1, 200 an ounce. And you don’t have to look very hard to find analysts calling for $1, 500. Next year. | |
23 | 菲利普伯爵的朝圣之行打乱了亨利国王一贯的行程,让他找不到像样的下榻之处。 | Count Philip’s pilgrimage had dragged him out of his usual itinerary, and accommodation fit for a king was evidently hard to find . | |
24 | 芬克博士研究的结论要点可以总结为:在网上寻找真爱并不比其他地方容易。 | The upshot of Dr Finkel’s review is thus that love is as hard to find on the internet as elsewhere. | |
25 | 古刀中的极品,可遇而千金难求。可有故事? | The choice of ancient Dao. It’s hard to find and buy. Story available? | |
26 | 股市发生了大萧条以来最大跌幅之后,资深股市老手中是很难找到纯粹的乐观情绪的。 | AFTER the steepest decline since the Great Depression, unalloyed optimism among veteran stock market hands is hard to find . | |
27 | 雇员素质:在外购工厂很难找到业务明星。 | Quality of employees: generally it is hard to find a superstar in outsourcing firms. | |
28 | 好啊,大漆很难搞到吧? | Good. Is it hard to find that lacquer? | |
29 | 好伙伴在经营中——和生活中——都是可遇而不可求的,一定要好好珍重他们。 | Good partners in business--and in life--are really hard to find , so treat them like gold. | |
30 | 很难找到的是那些让孩子同时笑得上气不接下气的趣事:那种震惊和喜悦的美妙组合。 | What’s hard to find are those moments when a child gasps and laughs at the same time: that mix of shock and delight. |